About us

Ask for a Bodega in Spain and you'll be directed to a winery or a bar, while in New York you'll find yourself outside a small grocery store in a Spanish-speaking part of town. Bodegas are renowned for their convivial culture and colourful character - and of course the ever present Bodega cat!

Conviviality and character strikes us as a fine starting point for a club that is all about experiencing European wines together.

Our aim is to bring you a unique selection of affordable quality wines, to share our passion (we personally taste, review and regularly drink all our wines!); helping you try something you've never tried before and perhaps discover a palate you didn't know you had.

Customer Reviews

Why our customers love us

Very friendly staff and always a pleasure coming here. Delicious food and a really great wine selection. The Portuguese reds are especially my favorite and are reasonably priced.

DavidNorthcote Point

Fantastic selections, its great to get new/different wines to try from experts. Highly recommend!

James McGuckinHome Paddock Foods

I’m always looking to try something different & unique and the personal selections from Bodega have never missed the spot for full of flavour, enjoyable wines. James, North Canterbury